
Time (HST) Event
09:00 Opening Remarks
09:10 Invited talk by Karen Ullrich
09:50 Invited talk by Tommi Jaakkola
10:30 Coffee Break
10:50 Invited talk by Durk Kingma
11:30 Contributed talk: Collapsed Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning
11:40 Contributed talk: Provable benefits of score matching
11:50 Contributed talk: BOOT: Data-free Distillation of Denoising Diffusion Models with Bootstrapping
12:00 Poster Session 1
13:00 Panel Discussion: Yang Song, Yilun Xu, Ricky T.Q. Chen, Charlotte Bunne, Arash Vahdat, moderated by Chenlin Meng
14:00 Invited talk by Ruqi Zhang
14:40 Invited talk by Stefano Ermon
15:20 Contributed talk: BayesDAG: Gradient-based Posterior Sampling for Causal Discovery
15:30 Contributed talk: Generative Marginalization Models
15:40 Contributed talk: Joint Bayesian Inference of Graphical Structure and Parameters with a Single Generative Flow Network
15:50 Closing Remarks
16:00 Poster Session 2